scan from:
request from:
Songs April 2010
Ryosuke Yamada
birthday: 1993.5.9
birthplace: tokyo
bloodtype: B
Q1. What music genre do you like?
Calming music. In my house I listen to music like the river streaming and birds chirping.
Q2. What genre of music do you like to try singing?
I want to try singing ballads. But I think I don't have much strength singing ballads, so someday when I will have the strength, I would like to sing on that occassion.
Q3. What musical instrument do you like or would like to try?
I like the saxophone. It looks cool. I think "It would be nice if I could play that," but I still have stories ahead of me.
Q4. What music do you want to cheorograph?
I like dancing so I don't choose! Which music do I like... strong kinds, like (Hey! Say!)JUMP's "Endless Dream"
Q5. What's your specialty in dancing?
I don't have a specialty. When it comes to dancing I'm clumsy and I also think I'm sketchy. Isn't there a singing range for songs? Being the same as that, it also seems like there is also a musical range for dance, so wouldn't it be called "Dan-iki" (laughs)? -->yamada made this word up. he combined Dansu (dance) and Iki (range) to form dan-iki (dance range) Since I think there is such a width, my "Dan-iki" is narrow. So I would like to broaden it.
Q6. What part of dancing do you like?
The part when one's personality comes out. A dainty person dances delicately, but on the contrary there are also persons who become wild.
Q7. What dance genre do you want to challenge?
None. I don't have much of an objective. On the contrary, if somebody said "Do this," I strongly feel, "I will definitely do this!"
Q8. Who do you admire when it comes to dancing?
They Budou's Yamamoto Ryouta-kun. He was the first person who taught me how to dance. He has amazing skills, and his dance range is also broad.
Q9. Do you like your voice?
My singing voice is kind of blocked he means that something is blocking him to not give his best singing voice, so I don't like the feeling of giving all my might. My voice in the recording sounds different from my usual voice. So when I listen to the CD I always think "Whoa!" (laughs)
Q10. Do you like singing or is it your strong point?
I love singing. Whenever I sing, I become honest. Especially in concerts!
Q11. When it comes to singing, which sempai do you admire?
(Domoto) Tsuyoshi-kun, Tegoshi (Yuya)kun. They are really good, and I like their voices.
Q12. What is your favorite part in concert?
The part when I get to see myself in realtime realtime is seeing one's show, etc. when it's aired where I see that I am growing the kind of growing he means is growing to become a man , my facial features and hairdo, and my muscles, and etc. I also like the part when I can directly feel the smiling faces and tears of the fans.
Q13. What would you like to challenge in concert?
All this time this idea of mine has not changed, and I really want to do a "For the fans" concert someday. It will be a concert that would expand dreams as far as to the highest degree. What does that mean is, well I don't know yet. Although I am stupid, I am also a genius (laughs). Look, isn't often a paper-thin difference? I will definitely answer that paper-thin difference part someday, so I would like everyone to wait.
Q14. When it comes to concerts, which sempai do you admire?
(Domoto) Koichi-kun. What is it about him, it's that charm of his. But I don't know for sure, so I think it's his charm.
Q15. Is work fun?
It is fun! The reason is... If you want to know about this, I wouldn't be able to say "You want to try?" (laughs). There are times that I feel tired and also sleepy, but it's fun.
Q16. Besides music, what genre do you have interest in your work?
I want to jump in the movie industry someday. Just like theater and concerts, I get to watch myself performing in real time so that's why I have great interest in it. I'll greatly care about how I would project myself to the eyes of the people who are watching. When I perform I would like to become an actor who can perform any kind of role because I think that myself as an idol doesn't really matter.
Q17. Which sempai do you admire as an actor?
(Ninomiya) Kazunari-kun and (Morita) Go-kun. They have individualities in their dramas, and it's not just their acting performance, but they also have an impression that their acting range varies.
Q18. What is your method to relax when you are tired?
I sleep. After that I listen to music. A song like the river streaming ne (laughs). When I listen to it, I can feel the "Ah, I'll be able to sleep, I'll be able to sleep" kind of relax. After that I put on a warmed eyemask.
Q19. When you've done your best, what is your reward to yourself?
I'll eat to my heart's content. I want to eat yakiniku now. I especially like Kalbi ♪ But I don't like expensive meats... because it's high in fat (laughs).
Inohara (Yoshihiko)kun. By the way I see him on TV. How he probably carries his image to everyone, I think I understand it!
Thanks for reading~