Shindii Kizuki
Morning Musume's official Myspace webpage has been updated with all things "10 My Me" album related

morning_musume_: 一人?二人?: 今ね、電車に乗ってるの。一人です。だけど、端から見たら二人です。なぜかって?だって...お隣りの人が...さゆみの肩によっ掛かってる...(笑)みなさんなら、こぉゆぅ時どうしますか?私は、そのまま肩を...
morning_musume_: alone? Two? : Well now, I was riding the train. Is one. But I saw two people from the edge. Why? Even. . . Next to your people. . . Sayumi'm hanging by the shoulder. . .(Laughs) If you, or when you do this Oyuu? I just ... shoulder
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