目の前に焼き鳥が100本あります。 自分とあと一人で食べてくださいと言われたら誰と食べますか?
A chicken in front of 100 books. If I had to eat with anyone you please yourself and then eat alone?
A chicken in front of 100 books. If I had to eat with anyone you please yourself and then eat alone?
Li chun
リンリン・・・ほとんど食べてくれそうだから♪ 一緒にごはんへ行った時思いました・・・(笑) Almost looks like it will eat from Linlin ♪ I thought when I went to a meal together (laughs) さゆみさぁ~ん♪♪ この子おばかだから~♪♪ Sayumi Saa aunt - I'm So this child ♪ ♪ ~ ♪ ♪