"Jc & Jk Teen Girls actress audition" this audition, billed as the five major cities (Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo) is made, the applicant is not eligible to belong to women 10 to 18-year-old entertainment firm, can apply without any acting experience.
Morning Musume to perform with the new decision. Ai Takahashi (23) "We are excited that the first time. The stage is fun because I'm soMo will change with each passing day, and I want. I want to apply for a lot of people" PR and a smile.
Also, Sayumi of Yamaguchi Prefecture (20) and Shiga from Aika Mitsui (17) said, "I think made it easier for local people to participate, please apply so much." And comments. 。 Lingling from China (18), Jung-joon (21) said, "I want to Get a chance to foreigners" and sent to Yale.
Details of the audition, applicants
http://jcjk-audition.com/its already translated.
「Jc&Jk 女子中高生女優オーディション」と銘打ったこのオーディションは、5大都市(東京・大阪・名古屋・福岡・札幌)で行われ、応募資格は芸能事務所に所属していない10~18歳の女性、演技の経験がまったくなくても応募できる。
オーディションの詳細、応募は http://jcjk-audition.com/ まで。